Thursday, May 28, 2020

Showering the Homeless - Please Donate

Our blog has a dedicated page called 'Showering the Homeless' and we'd like you to read it. This is part of Matt Haney's tweet today, validating the severity and urgency of our Showering program:

SF CARES advocates for the needy, the poverty and the ones living on the street that need a break in life. Once Saint Paulus Lutheran Church relocates back to 999 Eddy Street later this year, their church will have showering and laundry facilities. Instead of the standard 'have a shower, let us clean your clothes and send you back on the street' integrity that other churches kindly offer, SF CARES and Saint Paulus have teamed up to take this to a whole new level:

We'll encourage the homeless to bring in resumes. While showering, we'll match their credentials to a new government initiative that's launching this year - pairing the individual to a govt featured nonprofit job. The nonprofit will pay for the individual's hotel stay during their 30 or 60 day work probation. During that time, we'll source the new employee affordable housing. 

Note that around 30% of the homeless have qualifications, are recently homeless, are not street conditioned nor have addictions. By SF CARES reducing San Francisco's poverty by one third, this will make national and international news headlines. The media attention will encourage other churches and .orgs (with showers) to use our blueprint formula, so we can collectively end poverty. We have so much of our plan locked into place yet seeing Matt's tweet reinforces that we need to work harder once Saint Paulus opens their Eddy Street doors. 

Please donate today to our Showering the Homeless program and please share this post. Even $10 will be a tremendous help. Thank you!

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