Thursday, December 24, 2020

Healthy Christmas To All

It's an understatement to say that 2020's been dire for everyone on the planet who's not made more millions or billions during this pandemic. While the wealthy hoarded cash and grew their bank balance, first responders, health care workers, the elderly, the ones laid off, the ones that lost their homes, the ones that lost their loved ones to Covid-19, the ones that couldn't cope with isolation and the ones that were barreled to hunger all suffered on horrifying proportions. 

This Christmas, we won't wish you a happy season's greetings. Those words mean nothing at this stage. What we will say is that from all of us at SF CARES, we truly wish you out of this misery, we wish you better health (in mind, body and spirit) and we wish that the doors reopen in 2021 or sooner. 

With over 1 million people vaccinated already and Operation Warp Speed keeping to its name and promise, anything can happen. It can turn for the better in a moment's notice because when God's at the helm, steering this ship called Earth, we must believe that what we're going through is for His divine reason. He's never left us. He's never abandoned us. He's forever present and He works in mysterious ways most don't understand.

This Christmas is about faith in Him. It's about hope in His plan for all of us and it's about His story that we're acting in. He's the author, we're the stage participants and we must always keep that at the forefront of our minds.

And if you have $5.00 spare, then give $1.00 to five homeless people. The gratitude you'll receive from a beaming thank you will make you realize how fortunate you are to have keys to your own front door, a door you can close in safety, a bed you have to sleep on and a fridge that has food in it.

Miracles are all around us but most of us don't see them. They may be the small ones such as your utility bill being lower than you expected or a store cashier jumping to help when your self-pay kiosk stops working. They also may be the big ones such as vaccines, predicted to arrive in a few years, that have already been produced and are doing their job.

So again, we wish you a healthy Christmas, healthy enough to ride out this pandemic. Healthy enough to go outside for a walk, to enjoy the sun, to enjoy the snow, to enjoy nature and enjoy seeing a cheeky raccoon rummage through trash, to enjoy watching a pandemic puppy wag his or her tail while sniffing every single tree, to enjoy waving to a child that's stomping in puddles and to enjoy giving yourself a break for enduring a tremendous test from the Lord Almighty. Keep talking to God and build your relationship with Him at this critical juncture. Have a very healthy Christmas!


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