Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Pandemic & Now Crippling Inflation - Please Volunteer

Due to swift rises in inflation, the @SFMFoodBank has seen a 20% increase in hungry people needing food - and that's just at one pop-up pantry in the past week alone! Please do your part, pay forward and sign up to volunteer. Just two hours once a week keeps stomachs full. Supermarkets have already confirmed that food prices will rocket even higher, items will be scarce due to the supply chain collapse and essential foods will be classified as a luxury item. In the past two weeks, vegetables have tripled in price, heating bills will be at least 50% higher (per month) and people will have to choose if they can afford to eat or stay warm. It's a real problem that's not going away any time soon and will affect the entire planet shortly.

So please click here to volunteer for the SF Marin Food Bank - at the warehouse or a pop-up pantry. We must all do our part because during these turbulent times, we cannot come out the other side saying we didn't help someone else. This is a great testing period in our lives and if you can't even give 120 minutes, once a week to pay forward, then you'll fail the test. Please share this post because this is a pivotal moment where everyone must rally together.




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