Now that I’ve finally recovered from the holidays, it’s time to start blogging regularly again.
We has many eager volunteers for both Thanksgiving and for Christmas. It was such a blessing. It is rare that we have so many folks that we have to send people off to St. Anthony’s, Glide, and Tenderloin Tessie’s. But that is exactly what I found myself doing during the holidays.
The good news is that now we have plenty of service opportunities available. We can use help to provide lunches on the second or third Sunday of the month for Open Cathedral Civic Center; light meals for after Open Cathedral Mission on Thursday nights; and groups to donate food for the Open Cathedral Community Gatherings on Tuesday nights. We also have many slots open for the Friendship Banquet each Tuesday, to supply the food, to cook or to set up and serve.
We also don’t have a group to cover the fourth Saturday of this month, February 25t
h at the Community Dinner that Welcome hosts at Old First Presbyterian. Ideally we’d get a group to provide the food, cook, and set up and serve, but we also welcome any individuals who would like to come that day as we can also piece a crew together that way.
So if you still have some gratitude left over from Thanksgiving or a little Christmas Spirit lingering in your heart, we’d love to hear from you at (yes, it’s working again). An abundance of willing hands is as big a blessing in February as it is during the holidays.
Summary of needs:
Community Dinner:
-a group to provide food for 200 on February 25th or funds to purchase the food
-a group (often the same folks who bring the food) or individuals to help cook, set up, serve, and clean up
Friendship Banquet:
-a group willing to provide food or funds to feedabout 50 people
-a group (often the same folks who bring the food) or individuals to help cook, set up, and serve
Open Cathedral:
-a group to provide a simple lunch for 100 the second or third Sunday afternoon of any month
-a group to provide a simple meal for 50 any Thursday evening
-a group to provide a simple dinner for 30 any Tuesday evening